As an Google G Suite administrator, you can create a "G Suite" Gmail Rule to automatically forward your users' voicemail emails to Nexiwave for Voicemail Transcription processing.
- One time configuration for all your users.
- Go to your G Suite Admin Console:, and click "Apps":

- Click "G Suite Core Services":

- Click "Gmail":

- Go to the bottom and click "Advanced Settings":

- In "Routing", click "Configure":

- Add a new routing as follows (Make sure the sender filter matches your telephony provider's voicemail email sender address):

- Click "Add" in "Also deliver to" section. Choose: "Advanced" option -> "Replace recipient" with "" -> Check the "Add X-Gm-Original-To header".

- (The rule basically says: redirect any voicemail emails sent by my voicemail server to Nexiwave first)
- Click "Save" to save the additional recipient address.
- Click "Add Setting" to save this route setting.
That’s it – your users' voicemail emails will now be sent to Nexiwave for transcription first. Nexiwave will transcribe and send a transcribed version email (including both the transcript and audio) back to your user.
PS: Enable "
Auto-Enroll" or manually list your users in your Nexiwave
Sub-Accounts page, otherwise their voicemail emails to Nexiwave will be ignored.
Q & A
- Do I still need to change each user's voicemail email address to the Nexiwave custom email address?
No. When the email is sent to "", our system is smart enough to check other recipients in the email headers and find their corresponding Nexiwave account.
- Can I just BCC the voicemail emails to Nexiwave?
Yes, you can choose "Also deliver to" to "". One issue is your user will receive two voicemail emails of the same voicemail: one from your voicemail server and one from Nexiwave. Note that since the Nexiwave copy contains both the transcript and the audio, so it might be a little annoyance to your users as they would have to process two emails. The choice is however yours.